The Adult Activity Center is a public facility provided by the City of Andalusia to meet the recreational needs of adults ages 21 and older. The Center provides a wide variety of leisure services, activities, and special events to improve the quality of life for our area. We place a high priority on recreation for senior adults.
Our Motto is "Something for everyone!" If you are looking for travel, excitement, fun, relaxation, instructional, educational, health, fitness, arts, and crafts classes, we offer it all. All our programs and activities are very affordable and many are free.
The Adult Activity Center is a great place to spice up your life and make new friends. If you would like to receive our newsletter contact us by phone, e-mail or click here. Our friendly staff awaits the opportunity to serve you.

Nutrition Center
The Andalusia Senior Nutrition Center provides nutrition, socialization, educational and supportive services for senior adults in Andalusia and surrounding areas. This senior adult program is specifically designed for individuals 60 years and older with no income restrictions. Monday through Friday our friendly staff serve hot lunches in the Center's dining room and delivers meals to the homebound. We also offer fun activities like Field Trips, Card Games, Exercise, Bingo, Sewing Classes and Theme Parties (Boiled Peanuts, Grandparents Day, Valentines Dance, Thanksgiving, Christmas, and many others).
Special Activities and Travel
View Our Newsletter
We have a room available for domino games. Andalusia is home to the World Championship Domino Tournament, and we're here to provide space to hone your skills.
We have previosly been home to quilting groups, and can provide both space and quilting racks. If you have interest in having a quilters' group meet at the AAC, please call 222-6891 so that we may set up a date and time for you.
Sew - Knit - Crochet
The Sew & So Circle is a free class that meets each Wednesday afternoon from 12:30 - 3:30 P.M. We crochet, knit, sew, and do many new and different crafts projects. If you’re interested, please come and join our circle of friends.
50 + Exercise Class
Classes held at the Adult Activity Center on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Fridays from 9:00 A.M. - 9:30 A.M. 50+ Exercise is a basic low impact aerobic class designed to keep you fit and heart healthy. Our classes are free, and the exercises are easy but very effective. Come on and get healthy, join our class today. For more information call 222-4608.
Card Games
Card Games are played at the Adult Activity Center daily. If you enjoy Canasta, Bid Whist, Bridge, Rummikub, Rook and other card games, join other players each Monday – Friday. Times vary. We have beginners and advanced players. Come join us for a fantastic afternoon. For more information call 222-6891.
Classes are taught at the Adult Activity Center each Wednesday morning from 9:30 A.M. until 11:30 A.M. Our instructor will show you how to create beautiful ceramic pieces. Our shelves stocked, and we have all the paints and glazes you need to complete your selected projects. For more information call 222-6891.
Toning Beds
We have six different machines that work to tone, stomach, buttocks, thighs, etc. If you are limited in your exercise ability, this may be for you. Classes are Monday and Wednesday from 8 a.m. until 9 a.m., and Tuesday and Thursday from 1:00 p.m. until 2 p.m.
Learn how to mark, cut and sew a different item each month. Class fees vary depending on supplies needed, and classes are offered on a requested basis.
Line Dance
If you want to have fun and keep fit, join us on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 5 p.m. Instructor Charlotte Johnson has a class for beginners, intermediate and advanced dancers. For more information, call Charlotte at 334-343-6866.
Oil Painting
We now have an oil painting class on Thursdays from 12:30 until 3:30. The cost is $20 per month, which can be prorated. Please call 222-6891 for details.
Craft Class
Join us each month for a new craft. Fee for the class is based on supplies needed. Classes are Tuesdays from 12:30 p.m. until 3:30 p.m. You will be amazed at some of the fun things we create. For more information about this month's craft, you may view our newsletter (see link above) or call 222-6891 for information.
From time to time, the City of Andalusia, through the Adult Activity Center, provides transportation to constituents. To schedule a ride, call (334) 222-6891 by 2 p.m. at least the day before the desired day of transport. Trips are based on availability. For more information, click here.
The City has adopted these Passenger Safety Rules and this Protection Against Discrimination.