Electric Operations COA

  • Provides better security
  • Better tools for managing your accounts
  • Allows you to manage multiple accounts from a single portal sign-on
  • Receive alerts and reminders by text message or email



The new customer portal requires that you create a NEW account sign in (So sorry for the inconvenience but your security is very important to us!)


After clicking Create an Account, the Create an Account screen displays.  Enter your information in the fields shown in the sample screenshot below.

Andalusia Create an Account

                      • Account Number: You will need your customer number which can be found on your bill. Note: If you have more than one customer number you can create your portal account using any of those customer numbers.  When you log into Portal you will see all of your accounts listed in the main Account List screen.  Then you can select any of your accounts from the list to manage.
                      • Username: Your username can consist of letters, numbers, at signs (@), underscores (_) and periods.  Other special characters and spaces are not allowed.
                      • Email:  A confirmation email will be sent to the address specified here.  

NOTE: Your username cannot be used until the account is activated by clicking the link included in the confirmation email.

                  • Password:  The password must contain 6 characters or more.  It must also contain the following:
                    • At least one lowercase letter
                    • At least one uppercase letter
                    • At least one number
                    • At least one special character

Validate the account number using one of the following:

                      • Latest Bill Amount
                      • Phone Number (this validates against the primary phone number associated with your account at our utility office.)

After entering the information, click Create My Account

Next, an email is sent to the address specified in the Email field.  Open your email and click the included link to activate your customer account.



If you have questions or problems please call our office at 334-222-1332 between 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Monday – Friday and we will help you create your account.